Product Properties
Technical data and performance properties of product, chemical resistance and food safety tests results.


Dimensions of sheets - AKRILIKA STONE, KRISTALL

Collection Thickness, mm Length, mm Width, mm Weight, kg
Akrilika Stone, Kristall 12,3 3660 760 60-65


1. Physical and mechanical properties

Property Result Test method *
Density 1,74 g / cm3 ASTM D792-13 (A) 1
Flexural strength 64,9 MPa ASTM D790-15 (A) 1
Flexural modulus 11975 MPa ASTM D790-15 (A) 1
Tensile elongation 0,66% ASTM D638-14 1
Tensile strength 45,6 MPa ASTM D638-14 1
Tensile modulus 9840 MPa ASTM D638-14 1
Barcol Hardness 68 ASTM D2583-13a 1

2. Using properties

Property Result Test method *
Fire classification B / s-1 (EN 13501-1+A1.2009) ISO 9239-1:2010, ISO 11925-2:2010 3
Class 1 (AC: 2014) BS 476-7: 1997 4
Lighttest pass (>6 ) DIN EN 15187 (Blue wool sc) 2
pass (>6 ) ISO 105-B02:2014 (Blue wool sc) 1
Resistance to impact pass (no change till 25N ) DIN EN 438- 2 2
pass (no changes 0,87m /7.7 N) ASTM D5420-1 1
Resistance to impact (small & large ball) Class IC2 (F-12N / H-1,6m) EN 13329-F: 2009 3
Temperature resistance no changes ( 4 h / 75°C) AMK Merkblatt 001, 3.3 2
High temperature resistance no changes ( 24 h / hot wax) NEMA LD 3: 2005 -3.6 1
Humid climate resistance no changes (14 Days, 40°C, 85% H) 2 PfG 2507 - 1 2
Alternating climate resistance no changes (-20°C - +60°C) 2 PfG 2507 - 2 2
Dimension deviation 1,33 mm / m pass (max 1,50 mm/m) 2 PfG 2507 - 2 2
Behaviour in dry heat Class 7A 180°C (DIN 68861- 7, 2001-04 ) DIN EN 12722 2
Behaviour in wet heat Class 8A 100°C (DIN 68861-8, 2001-04 ) DIN EN 12721 2
Boiling water resistance no changes NEMA LD 3: 2005 -3.5 1
Vapourization with water no changes AMK MB-005.1 2015 2
Water absorption pass (Immersion 0,27% 49 Days, 23°C Water) ASTM D570-98 (2010) 1
Abrasion resistance Class 2A > 650 rotations ( DIN 68861-2, 2013-02) DIN EN 15185 2
Graphite test no changes (Test with pencil 6HB) DIN EN 12720 2
Cigarette test pass ANSI Z124-3 2005. 5.4 1
1 SGS-CSTC - Test report GZIN160200187CCM dtd 2016
2 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21255144_001 dtd 2016
3 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21245130_001 dtd 2016
4 SGS-CSTC - Test report GZIN160200190CCM dtd 2016


3. Test according to DIN 68861-11

Test substrates / Requirements acc. DIN EN 12720
Reagents 1 Cl 1A -MAX 1B 1C-MIN Results /
Acetic acid 16h 5 1h 5 1A5 ok
Citric acid 16h 5 1h 5 1A5 ok
Ammonia water 16h 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
Ethylene alcohol 16h 5 1h 4 1A5 ok
Red wine 16h 5 6h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Beer 16h 5 6h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Cola beverage 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Coffee 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1C5-1A5 ok
Black tea 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1B5-1A5 ok
Black current juice 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Condensed milk 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1C5-1A5 ok
Petrol 16h 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
Acetone 16h 5 10s 2 1A3-1A4 ok
Ethylen-butylene acetate 16h 5 10s 2 1A3-1A4 ok
Olive oil 16h 5 16h 5 1A5 ok
Mustard 16h 5 6h 5 1B5-1A5 ok
Disinfectant 16h 5 10min 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
Black ballpoint ink 16h 5 1A2 ok
Stamp pad ink 16h 5 1A3 ok
Detergent 16h 5 1h 5 1A5 ok
Detergent solution 16h 5 1h 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
5 - no change, 4 - minor change, 3-moderate change, 2- significant change
1 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21255144_000 dtd 2016

4. Test according to ISO 19712-2:2007 p102

Test substrates Requirements acc. ISO 19712-2 p10 (A)
MAX NORM MIN Results /
Coffee 5 4 3 4 ok
Natronlauge, 25% 5 4 3 5 ok
H-peroxid, 30% 5 4 3 5 ok
Acetone 5 4 3 3 ok
Black shoe polish 5 4 3 4 ok
Citric acid, 10% 5 4 3 5 ok
2 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21245130_001 dtd 2016

5. Test according to ANSI Z124.3-20053

Stain resistance Requirements acc. ANSI Z124.3-2005
Test substrates T MAX-MIN max depth Results
Black crayon 16h 1 5 0,127mm 1 1 0 mm pass
Black shoe polish 16h 1 5 0,127mm 1 1 0 mm pass
Blue washable ink 16h 1 5 0,127mm 5 5 0,03 mm pass
Gentian violet solution 16h 1 5 0,127mm 5 5 0,111 mm pass
Iodine solution, 1% 16h 1 5 0,127mm 2 3 0 mm pass
Lipstick 16h 1 5 0,127mm 1 1 0 mm pass
Hair dye 16h 1 5 0,127mm 5 5 0,1 mm pass
Chemical resistance Requirements acc. / ANSI Z124.3-2005
Test substrates T Results
Naphtha 16h no changes pass
Ethyl alcohol 16h no changes pass
Amyl acetate 16h superficial surface changes pass
Ammonia solution, 10% 16h no changes pass
Citric acid, 10% 16h no changes pass
Urea, 6% 16h no changes pass
Hydrogen peroxide solution, 3% 16h no changes pass
Concentr. sodium hypochlorite solution 16h no changes pass
3 SGS-CSTC - Test report GZIN160200187CCM dtd 2016


6. Food safety tests

Test Results Norms *
Sensory analysis, smell/taste
pass LFGB, § 31-1, DIN 10955
Reg EU 1935/2014 -3.
Migration of Acrylonitril, formaldehyde, Metals (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn), PAA, PAHs, 8 EU-PAHs, acrylic and methacrylic acid pass Reg EU 10/2011
Reg EU 1907/2006
DIN EN 13130
Color migration of pigmented plastics pass BfR-IX, Resolution AP (89) 1 1
Metal laxness pass BDIN EN 1388-1 2
1 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 0003162423/40 AZ227041 dtd 2016
2 NIH Poland - Test report 038/106/16/LHZ/D dtd 2016

7. Certificates of Polish National Institute of Hygiene

Certificate of health quality H-HZ-6071-179/16/D dtd 2016
Hygienic Certificate HK/B/080401/2016 dtd 2016
Radiation Hygienic Certificate HR/B/56/2016 dtd 2016


Dimensions of sheets

Collection Thickness, mm Length, mm Width, mm Weight, kg
Apietra 12,3 3660 760 60-65
Apietra 6 2440 760 20-23

1. Physical and mechanical properties

Property Result Test method *
Density 1,72 g / cm3 ASTM D792-13 (A) 6
Flexural strength 54,9 MPa ASTM D790-15 (A) 1
Flexural modulus 9680 MPa ASTM D790-15 (A) 1
Barcol Hardness 66 ASTM D2583-13a 1

2. Using properties

Property Result Test method *
Fire classification B / s-1 (EN 13501-1+A1.2009) ISO 9239-1:2010, ISO 11925-2:2010 3
pass (Oxygen index 41.6) JC 908-2002 s. 6.7.2. 4
Lighttest pass (>6 ) DIN EN 15187 (Blue wool sc) 5
pass < 2 CIE GB/T 11942-89 4
Resistance to impact pass (no change till 25N ) DIN EN 438- 2 2
pass   JC 908-2002 s. 7.4.1-3. 4
Resistance to impact (small & large ball) Class IC2 (F-12N / H-1,6m) EN 13329-F: 2009 3
Heated pan test no changes (aludisk 10 min /185°C) ANSI Z124.6-2007 s.5.6. 1
JC 908-2002 s. 7.9 4
High temperature resistance no changes ( 24 h / hot wax) NEMA LD 3: 2005 -3.6 1
JC 908-2002 s. 7.10D 4
Humid climate resistance no changes (14 Days, 40°C, 85% H) 2 PfG 2507 - 1 2
Alternating climate resistance no changes (-20°C - +60°C) 2 PfG 2507 - 2 2
Dimension deviation 0,13 mm / m pass (max 1,50 mm/m) JC 908-2002 s. 7.1. 4
Behaviour in dry heat Class 7C 180°C (DIN 68861- 7, 2001-04 ) DIN EN 12722 2
Behaviour in wet heat Class 8A 100°C (DIN 68861-8, 2001-04 ) DIN EN 12721 2
Vapourization with water no changes AMK MB-005.1 2015 2
Water resistance pass   JC 908-2002 s.7.11. 4
Abrasion resistance Class 2A > 650 rotations ( DIN 68861-2, 2013-02) DIN EN 15185 2
Graphite test no changes (Test with pencil 6HB) DIN EN 12720 2
Cigarette test pass JC 908-2002 s.7.7.1. 4
1 SGS-CSTC - Test report GZCCM140200158 dtd 2014
2 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21255145_001 dtd 2016
3 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21245130_002 dtd 2016
4 SGS-CSTC - Test report GZCCM130300183-03 dtd 2013
5TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21250279_001 dtd 2016
6Test made by Akrilika


3. Test according to DIN 68861-11

Test substrates Requirements acc. DIN EN 12720
Reagents, 1 Cl 1A -MAX 1B 1C-MIN Results /
Acetic acid 16h 5 1h 5 1A5 ok
Citric acid 16h 5 1h 5 1A5 ok
Ammonia solution 16h 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
Ethylene alcohol 16h 5 1h 4 1A5 ok
Red wine 16h 5 6h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Beer 16h 5 6h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Cola beverage 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Coffee 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1C5-1A5 ok
Black tea 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Black current juice 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1A5 ok
Condensed milk 16h 5 16h 5 10min 5 1C5-1A5 ok
Petrol 16h 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
Acetone 16h 5 10s 2 1B5-1A5 ok
Ethylen-butylene acetate 16h 5 10s 2 1B5-1A5 ok
Olive oil 16h 5 16h 5 1A4-1A5 ok
Mustard 16h 5 6h 5 1A3-1A5 ok
Disinfectant 16h 5 10min 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
Black ballpoint ink 16h 5 1A2 ok
Stamp pad ink 16h 5 1A3 ok
Detergent 16h 5 1h 5 1B5-1A5 ok
Detergent solution 16h 5 1h 5 2min 5 1A5 ok
5 - no change, 4 - minor change, 3-moderate change, 2- significant change
1 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21255144_000 dtd 2016

4. Test according to ISO 19712-2 p102

Test substrates Requirements acc. ISO 19712-2 p10 (A)
Coffee 5 4 3 4 ok
Natronlauge, 25% 5 4 3 5 ok
H-peroxid, 30% 5 4 3 5 ok
Acetone 5 4 3 3 ok
Black shoe cream 5 4 3 4 ok
Citric acid, 10% 5 4 3 5 ok
2 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 21245130_002 dtd 2016

5. Test according to ANSI Z124.6-20073

Stain resistance Requirements acc. ANSI Z124.3-2005
Test substrates T MAX-MIN max depth Results
Black crayon 16h 1 5 0,127mm 2 2 0 mm pass
Black shoe polish 16h 1 5 0,127mm 1 1 0 mm pass
Blue washable ink 16h 1 5 0,127mm 5 3 0,025 mm pass
Gentian violet solution 16h 1 5 0,127mm 5 3 0,025 mm pass
Iodine solution, 1% 16h 1 5 0,127mm 5 2 0,025 mm pass
Lipstick 16h 1 5 0,127mm 2 2 0 mm pass
Beet juice 16h 1 5 0,127mm 1 1 0 mm pass
Grape juice 16h 1 5 0,127mm 2 1 0 mm pass
Wet tea bag 16h 1 5 0,127mm 1 1 0 mm pass
Hair dye 16h 1 5 0,127mm 4 3 0 mm pass
Chemical resistance Requirements acc. ANSI Z124.6-2007
Test substrates T Results
Naphtha 16h no changes pass
Ethyl alcohol 16h no changes pass
Amyl acetate 16h no changes pass
Ammonia solution, 10% 16h no changes pass
Citric acid, 10% 16h no changes pass
Urea, 6% 16h no changes pass
Hydrogen peroxide solution, 3% 16h no changes pass
Concentr. sodium hypochlorite solution 16h no changes pass
Toluene 16h no changes pass
Ethyl acetate 16h no changes pass
Lye solution, 2% 16h no changes pass
Acetone 16h no changes pass
Trisodium phosphate (5: 95 Water) 16h no changes pass
Vinegar 16h no changes pass
Pine oil 16h no changes pass
3 SGS-CSTC - Test report GZCCM140200158 dtd 2014


6. Food safety tests

Test Results Norms *
Sensory analysis, smell/taste
pass LFGB, § 31-1, DIN 10955
Reg EU 1935/2014 -3.
Migration of Acrylonitril, formaldehyde, Metals (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn), PAA, PAHs, 8 EU-PAHs, acrylic and methacrylic acid pass Reg EU 10/2011
Reg EU 1907/2006
DIN EN 13130
Color migration of pigmented plastics pass BfR-IX, Resolution AP (89) 1 1
1 TÜV Rheinland - Test report 0003162423/40 AZ227041 dtd 2016

Technical data, performance properties of product, chemical reagents resistance tests, food safety tests.
A detailed report of Akrilika products testing provided by TÜV Rheinland Group (Germany).
Technical data, performance properties of product, chemical reagents resistance tests, food safety tests.
Additional Food Safety Certificates by the National Institute of Hygiene (Poland).
Technical data, physical, mechanical and using properties of product.